
We produce columns out of  the reinforced concrete  (C30/37 category). They are the main supporting elements of the frame construction and their basic function is to provide vertical and horizontal stability. These columns together with roof and floor beams form a non-sliding unit. In order to provide a non-sliding stability of frame structures in industrial or trade objects it is recommended to use bracing rods.

In industrial objects, such as low halls without overhead cranes, stability can be obtained by the appropriate application of rigid nodes including rigid mounting in foundations.

In case of  high horizontal pressure forces (e.g. moving overhead cranes) it is recommended to use appropriate stiffening constructions such as rods/ties or stiffening walls.

Characteristic features:

Rectangular and square cross-section, minimum 250 mm, grading every 50 mm, along both sides, up to several dozens of  length – the maximum length depends on the particular design. In specific cases like non-standard cross-sections and lengths do not hesitate to contact our Technical Department.

In order to combine the columns with the other elements of the frame construction, the use of additional steel parts (such as:
rails, rebars, threaded sleeves, threaded rods, couplers, non-standard elements made to order) merged into all side faces is required. 


Connections between columns by:

  • reinforcement rebars with the monobloc base
  • in a  “tulip base”
  • screw-tightened interconnections

It is possible to assemble columns and multi-storey elements with the use of screw-tightened interconnections or the appropriate starters.


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projekt i wykonanie: RYAN - tworzenie stron www, usługi informatyczne Toruń, pozycjonowanie stron Toruń